
Graphics on the internet can be a picture, cartoon picture, symbol, movie type item, or any other item that is graphical in nature. Most screen readers allow you to hit the letter g to move to and through the graphics on a web page. Holding Shift and hitting the letter g takes you backwards through the graphics on a web page. Some web pages have graphics that are labeled so that you know what they are, and some do not. In the case of a graphic that is not labeled, some screen readers allow you to label the graphic. Generally, you want to label graphics with your screen reader if it is a page that you commonly use, and the graphic is important. Following are graphics that are labeled, and one that is not. Practice using the letter g to move through the graphics, and Shift g to move backwards through the graphics. When you are done practicing, there is a "BACK" link at the bottom of this page that will take you back to the "Internet Lessons" web page.

screen shot of the web site


screen shot of the web site


no description of this graphic